søndag 23. oktober 2011

Thank you my Love

Thank you for letting me hold your hand when we walked through wintery streets.
Thank you for giving me the feeling of love at first sight, and for telling me you had fell for me too.
Thank you for being as nerdy as me, and for laughing with me when I talked nerdy to you.
Thank you for being the one I could confide my everything to, even my darkest thoughts. 
Thank you for the arm I got to sleep on and for you always making me feel safe when you held me until I fell asleep.
Thank you for allowing me to get to know the whole you, even the parts you wanted to hide.
Thank you for the night we walked for two hours in the rain back from town, so we could talk.
Thank you for staying up with me, letting me dry and feeding me marshmallows and hot chocolate while we listened to your music.
Thank you for the way you made me feel when I was with you, like I was the only person in the world.
Thank you for always making me laugh out loud, even if you knew I didn't want to.
Thank you for having a sense of adventure that matched mine, and thank you for everything you showed me.
Thank you for all the hours of Scrabble and videogames, and for teaching me how to spell bad words in english.
Thank you for kissing me so that I wasn't sure I would survive, feeling my knees buckle and my heart race.
Thank you for loving me without condition and for never forgetting me.
Thank you for being the first true love of my life, and for making me feel so good because I was yours.
Thank you for the way you fade in and out of my life through the years. 
Thank you for breaking my heart into a million pieces, and still being a person who knows me inside and out.
Thank you for telling me "You deserve better, this is killing you" when you saw me disappearing a year ago.
Thank you for being you...

I somtimes wish it was us, but wishes isn't always enough and you and I were never ment to be a forever. We are the ones that are there to look out for each other, to float back in when we feel the other needs it. I'm glad you floated back in, you helped to save me. And I really and truly appreciate you. Even though I thought you hurt me more than anyone, I'm not angry or upset, it was just not ment to be. And sometimes the memories are so good that you can feel okay. And this is one of those sometimes. 

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